I have arrived at your website and I am trying to see what you have to offer me especially as I am not really sure of my way around the web. I don’t even know what I am looking for but I found your site now what have you got to offer me? If you keep me there, you will stand a better chance that I will return and if you try and sell me something then I might be interested, but first I need to get to know you.
I find you have a blog. I have heard about them, and now I am wondering what you have written in yours to tell me something about you. I start to read and very soon it becomes interesting to learn more about you and the way you think. I am engrossed in your blog about a problem I am facing. Maybe you understand me and even more you understand my problem.
Someone told me that some websites have a forum and I see you have one. They told me that this is a place where you are ask questions; answer questions or even tell people what you are thinking. As I look I can see there are lots of interesting comments, I don’t have time to read them all today, but I must make a note to come back here tomorrow and learn more and more.
This is amazing you have so much information at your site; it is hard to take it all in. I wonder how long this information will be available. If I come back tomorrow will I be able to finish off reading the rest of the articles that you have about my problems.
I have come back and there is the article I was reading yesterday, I am impressed there is even more information about the problem. It seems someone works hard here updating the information. I wonder what will happen if I ask a question on the forum, will anyone think less of me for asking. Hold on, nobody knows who I am so it is OK for me to ask away, and then I will see what happens.
People have answered my questions and they have been very nice about it. Here are people that understand where I am coming from, now what else do they have that will help me. A book that looks perfect, I will buy it because they certainly know what they are talking about and this will solve my problems.
I find you have a blog. I have heard about them, and now I am wondering what you have written in yours to tell me something about you. I start to read and very soon it becomes interesting to learn more about you and the way you think. I am engrossed in your blog about a problem I am facing. Maybe you understand me and even more you understand my problem.
Someone told me that some websites have a forum and I see you have one. They told me that this is a place where you are ask questions; answer questions or even tell people what you are thinking. As I look I can see there are lots of interesting comments, I don’t have time to read them all today, but I must make a note to come back here tomorrow and learn more and more.
This is amazing you have so much information at your site; it is hard to take it all in. I wonder how long this information will be available. If I come back tomorrow will I be able to finish off reading the rest of the articles that you have about my problems.
I have come back and there is the article I was reading yesterday, I am impressed there is even more information about the problem. It seems someone works hard here updating the information. I wonder what will happen if I ask a question on the forum, will anyone think less of me for asking. Hold on, nobody knows who I am so it is OK for me to ask away, and then I will see what happens.
People have answered my questions and they have been very nice about it. Here are people that understand where I am coming from, now what else do they have that will help me. A book that looks perfect, I will buy it because they certainly know what they are talking about and this will solve my problems.
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