Selasa, 13 Juni 2017

Marketing Blunders - Advertising

In this installment of marketing blunders, were going to cover another one that is way up at the top of the list, advertising.

You cant imagine how many people go about their advertising all wrong, either with the methods that they use or the ads that they write. This is a major reason why 95% of all Internet marketers fail to make any real income at all. This article is going to point out some of the major blunders people make with advertising. Hopefully, reading this will prevent you from making these same mistakes.

The first thing I want to cover is advertising methods. There are many ways to advertise on the Internet. Unfortunately many of them are horrible. At the top of that list are the ad blasting companies. These companies want you to believe that these one line ads that get sent out with this crappy software actually get read by other people.

Trust me, they dont. Im not even sure all these blasters work. Certainly there is supporting evidence that My Mega Promoters Ad Blaster, which is the original, does nothing at all.

A notch up from the blasters, but not much better, are auto surfs. Youve probably tried these. You basically give the site your URL and they show it to all the users of the surf. Trouble is, since its on autopilot, most people arent even at their computers while these ads are going by.

This has to be the most useless form of advertising ever developed next to the ad blasters. At least if somebody has their eyes open with these there is a snow balls prayer that somebody might see your ad.

Lets move away from advertising methods for a while and touch on the subject of actual ads. Most people, sad as it is to say, cant write an ad to save their lives. That doesnt mean they cant learn. It just means that they dont bother to learn. So instead, we get these three line ads that wouldnt get our mothers to buy our product.

Worse than that, some people dont even use any imagination at all and simply copy and paste the ads that come with the program. If everybody is using these ads, how effective do you think they are going to be?

Another problem that people have with advertising is budgeting their promotions. They have absolutely no game plan when it comes to how much money theyre going to spend in a given month. They simply take out one ad after another, not even researching if the advertising service is any good, and then suddenly they wake up and find that theyre out of money.

Then, if they find anything that is of value, they have no more money to even put into their ads. Not making an advertising budget has killed more advertising campaigns than you can possibly imagine.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Theres more I could cover, but if you simply correct these few things, youll be surprised at what a difference it will make in your results.
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